Masterclass Thriving under Pressure
 Discover how to lead confidently when the pressure is on
Live, interactive "diagnostic" masterclass!

Skillfully handle reactive behaviors in yourself and others....

July 23, 2024
9 AM - 12 PM ET

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Better team conversations = higher performance
In today’s workplace, it’s common to find ourselves under significantly higher levels of pressure to deliver bigger results with fewer resources, leading to disempowering thoughts such as: 
  •  I'm constantly putting out fires and reacting to crises, instead of taking charge and leading with a plan.
  • I wish my team didn’t fall apart during stressful situations so we could focus on getting things done with fewer misunderstandings.
  • I lose my cool more often than not when the pressure’s on. I wish I could keep a level head and show up as the leader I want to be.
  • I hate micromanaging when I know my team is capable of contributing great ideas. This just feels like the only way when there’s so much on the line.
 Good news.  There’s one important skill that allows you to show up as an empowering leader who lowers the stakes and helps your team successfully handle any high pressure environment... 
Knowing how to be more in command of your own actions and reactions so that you can show up as the leader you intend to be. 
I'm ready to THRIVE under pressure
The ability to successfully de-escalate situations and navigate high stakes is the single greatest contributing factor that accelerates leaders from good to great. 
Image if, when tension is running high, you could easily:

Articulate your thoughts and ideas with clarity and conviction to quickly make sound decisions.


Remain composed and confident even in the face of uncertainty, setting the tone for your team and building your influence as a result. 


Alleviate strained teamwork to improve team cohesion, productivity, and motivation.


Understand other people’s perspectives to better handle challenging conversations, resolve conflicts, and strengthen team connections.

The first step is having a framework that helps you...
  • Understand the difference between low and high-stakes scenarios
  • Uncover what causes high stakes for you and how it impacts your work
  • Skillfully lower the stakes for yourself and your team
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Ready to learn what it takes to THRIVE under pressure?
High pressure situations don’t have to impact your team’s ability to deliver results. With the right tools, you can lead with confidence and resilience under pressure.
Thriving Under Pressure: Leadership Strategies for High-Stakes Situations
 A live, 3-hour, interactive experience, complete with breakout sessions, where you’ll uncover some of the root causes of what triggers a high-stake situation for you and practical methods to lower the stakes.
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What you’ll learn: 

The impact high stakes has on your work, team, and organization


Methods to maintain composure and exercise good judgment, even during challenging circumstances


Techniques that help reduce stress when pressure mounts for you and your team


How empathizing with team members can lead to higher productivity, stronger collaboration, clear communication, and improved adaptability

July 23, 2024 @ 9 AM - 12 PM ET

Investment: $97.00

 Thinking it's just impossible for you to take three full hours away from your team? 
I get it.

When you feel that you need to focus all of your time on a series of crises that are emerging in your team and organization, three hours of being unavailable can feel like a week!

My advice… don’t focus on the short-term pressures and lose this opportunity to create and engage with your bigger leadership vision.

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To navigate challenging situations successfully, you must first understand how your behavior changes in low-pressure versus high-pressure scenarios and the steps to take to manage your own responses effectively. 
This self-awareness is key before you can competently support and guide others.

Through a supportive learning environment, practical guidance, and real-world peer discussions, you’ll come away with an understanding of how to manage disruptions that can throw off even the most seasoned leaders by skilfully handling reactive behaviors in yourself and others.

The Thriving Under Pressure: Leadership Strategies for High-Stakes Situations masterclass promises to be both an eye-opening and a revolutionary experience.
Are you ready to start showing up as a composed, level-headed, and inspiring leader for your team even when the pressure is on, emotions are high, and it feels like you are constantly in reactive mode?
Tell us about you...
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About TeamCatapult

At TeamCatapult, we’re passionate about helping leaders be more effective, collaborative, and adaptive as they grow their teams, lead change, and achieve their desired results.

Through our on-demand resources, workshops, coaching, and various leadership team programs, we help you expand your leadership capacity, tap into the collective intelligence of your teams, successfully navigate complex change, and gain the competitive advantage necessary for the 21st Century. Learn more
