Jardena London on Knowing Your Impact
Season 1, Episode #13

What this podcast is about
Welcome to Defining Moments of Leadership, a podcast hosted by Marsha Acker. We’re joined today by guest Jardena London to talk about your impact. If you’ve ever been in a situation where you got some feedback about the impact you were having on others and thought that cannot possibly be me, then this episode is for you. If I walk into a situation and I’m upset about something else it’s an entirely different experience than if I walk in ready to engage, open-minded and curious. Two very different energies that spark different actions and outcomes from me and others. If this is an aspect of your leadership that you’re working on, listen to this episode for a couple of practices.
Episode Resources
- Connect with Jardena London on LinkedIn
- Read Jardena London’s book Cultivating Transformations: A Leader’s Guide to Connecting the Soulful and the Practical – 2nd Edition
- Visit Jardena London’s Website Rosetta Agile
- Learn more about Defining Moments of Leadership by visiting our website
- Learn more about Advanced Facilitation & Changing Behavior in High Stakes by visiting our workshops page
- To continue the conversation, check out the Defining Moments of Leadership Facebook page