Scott Downing on Leading with Values
Season 2, Episode #10

What this podcast is about
Welcome to Defining Moments of Leadership, a podcast hosted by Marsha Acker. We’re continuing our miniseries on model building today and we’re exploring personal values and their importance in your leadership. If you’ve ever been in a situation at work where you experienced resentment, anger, or frustration about something that was happening, chances are the situation may have been stepping on a personal value for you. My guest today is Scott Downing and we’re exploring the critical intersection of his model for leadership and his model for living. And I’m so excited to share the story with you.
Episode Resources
- Order the newly released Build Your Model for Leading Change workbook
- Learn about Making Behavioral Change Happen by registering for the Advanced Facilitation workshop
- Inquire about our working with leadership teams Send an email
- Learn more about Defining Moments of Leadership by visiting our website