The Leading in High Stakes program is a unique opportunity to develop the skill set needed to confidently lead your team through high-stakes situations alongside peers who are experiencing a similar level of pressure and high expectations.
The program focuses on learning and applying the Structural Dynamics framework, a system that explores the powerful, but invisible forces that contribute to conflict, generate silos, slow down productivity, and cause other typical breakdowns when stakes are high.
By participating in this workshop, you will…
Influence and align your team
with an approach that engages and empowers them. -
Tackle the most challenging behaviors
in high-stakes environments -
Ensure proper feedback mechanisms that yields dialogue when pressures rise
Identify and manage negative
behavior in self and others and develop a more harmonious work environment -
Facilitate meaningful conversations that builds a strong moral compassfor yur organization and strenthens team cohesion
Cultivate a leadership approach that inspires and motivates others,drives positive change, breaks down silos, and achieves strategic goals effectively
You may have questions. Let’s talk.
“When I think back five or even 10 years, I’d say my leadership was much more transactional. These lenses have helped me progress from transactional leadership to a more collaborative and trust-based approach. Commit to the program fully. It requires a time investment and a strong commitment within your calendar, but the value you get is significant.”
Alan – Executive Producer
“My approach is now different… I focus on identifying the problem, bringing it to the relevant people in the right way, and looking for opposing views and perspectives on how we could potentially approach solving the problem. I feel like I grew as a person and also as a leader, which is all you can wish for when you go through something like that. I would love my whole leadership team to go through this experience.”
Sarkhan, Sr. Director
- Master the skill of impartial leadership. Build trust, morale and higher productivity by creating a neutral and objective environment that encourages open communication.
- Explore techniques to promote a safe, productive environment in high-stakes situations without micromanaging. Bringing these techniques to your organization will lead to enhanced job satisfaction and loyalty
- Practice leading genuine conversations that cultivate diverse perspectives. When you encourage directness and honesty, you will elicit fresh insights, foster team ownership and boost creativity, resilience, and collaboration
- Refine your ability to recognize and transform ingrained, reactive behaviors that contribute to high-stakes conflicts. With this transformation, you will promote inclusivity, innovation, and business growth

Participants are eligible for the following Continuing Coach Education (CCE) credits: Core Competencies – 14
Resource Development – 20

Complete 2 hours of pre-work, which includes
- An assessment
- A one-hour coaching session
- Required reading
Includes attending:
- Small group calls – Parts 1 and 2
- Whole group call after Part 2
- Two One-to-One coaching sessions
* Looking for a payment plan or group discount? Contact us
Learning Environments that Create Impactful Results

Enhanced Retention. Active engagement and experiences provide greater retention of the information...building confidence to turn theory into practice.

Greater Self-Awareness. Through critical thinking and reflection, which is the source of new behavior.

Increased Motivation. Learning is practical and hands on, creating inspired action to make changes...coupled with practice and real-time feedback.
“I would recommend this program to others, if even just for the self-analysis. Understanding ones own behaviors, understanding the flaws in your own behaviors and the things you can change or at least manage better. We’re all here to learn and improve.”
Andrew, Product Design Executive

Talk to us. Let’s build it together and cultivate the learning environment.

*Please note, you will be directed to agilecoaching.global to learn more and register.

*Please note, you will be directed to agilecoaching.global to learn more and register.