leadership experience.
Imagine being the kind of leader who understands how to evaluate and assess where a team is at on their journey to high performance, who can step in and help teams have difficult conversations with grace and ease, and who has the capacity and understanding to grow other leaders.
The Cohort Program is an in-depth, 9-month program emphasizing rigorous practice and rich feedback opportunities including skill drills, peer coaching, team coaching, ongoing group work, professional one-on-one coaching, and one-on-one supervision of actual Agile coaching sessions in your own work environment.

The Cohort Program is an in-depth, 9-month program emphasizing rigorous practice and rich feedback opportunities including:
- skill drills
- peer coaching
- team coaching
- ongoing group work
- professional one-on-one coaching
- one-on-one supervision of actual Agile coaching sessions in your own work environment
Competent + Experienced
No longer feel off balance when conflict arises. See conflict as a source of energy for your team and feel confident in the ability to bring it forward and work with it. -
Accomplished + Capable
Become skilled as a coach and feel confident in the ability to adapt leadership styles and the way one engages with teams in order to support teams to do their best work. -
Skillful + Proficient
Expand the breadth and depth of one’s skills. Engage in the opportunity to learn from peers and bring real-world scenarios to the group for feedback and guidance. -
In-Demand + Sought After
Become the leader that others seek out to masterfully lead change in Agile teams.
“Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life forever.”
– Amy Poehler
interactive learning experience.
Weekly Group Cohort Calls
The program includes 90-minute group cohort sessions focusing on a weekly theme. These calls will vary in format to include case studies, triad and dyad practice, and coaching.
5-Day Remote Residential
A deep dive into the practice of team coaching. Apply all of the learning in each competency and practice integrating it into work with teams.
Capstone Agile Coaching Stance
The program will conclude with the development and articulation of the Agile coaching stance, including how one works with teams and why we do what we do.
4 Hours of Individual Professional Coaching with a Certified Professional Coach
One of the best ways to learn coaching is to receive individual coaching. These calls provide space for personal growth by providing rich time for reflection and feedback.
Reading and Journaling
Developing the skills of an Agile coach requires attention to individual development first. Each month, participants complete assignments designed to expand one’s knowledge and self-awareness.
Small Group Calls
Periodically throughout the program, there will be small group calls focusing on skills practice or on group supervision. These calls are designed to deepen understanding and awareness.
Individual Supervisions
The program includes a total of 4 hours of individual (one-on-one) supervision. The supervisor assesses a video (or audio) in a real-world situation and provides feedback and growth opportunities for each individual in the cohort.
Final Assessment
The final assessment includes written journal entries and reflection questions, as well as a video-based demonstration component of indivudals facilitating, teaching, coaching, and mentoring.
1.A professional and supportive network
You will develop a life-long network of people to support you along your journey.
2.Develop your Agile coaching practice through experience
This program, by its nature, will propel your practice forward quickly, forcing you to practice the whole arc–from contracting to coaching and completing an engagement. We help you develop on the job!
3.Personalized feedback
You will receive feedback from your peers and co-leaders to apply your skills in an adaptive way. You’ll also receive feedback from your clients in your real world to help you understand the impact you have.
4.1:1 Coaching and 1:1 Supervision
Unlike basic certification programs, we believe that an important way to learn coaching is by receiving coaching. You’ll deepen your skills and awareness because they will be modeled for you throughout.
5.Two certifications
ICAgile Certified Expert In Agile Coaching (ICE-AC) TeamCatapult Structural Dynamics Team Facilitator and Coach (SDTFC)
6.14 ICF CCEs
International Coaching Federation (ICF) coaches earn 14 Continuing Coach Education (CCE) units during this cohort program.

This program is about so much more than certification. Our primary objective is helping you grow your leadership range through a powerful, experiential journey. In fact, if you’re considering joining the cohort simply for the certification, please do not apply!
But, as an added benefit to growing your coaching agility from within, you will receive the ICAgile Certified Expert in Agile Coaching (ICE-AC) upon successful completion of the program and the assessment.
Being in the course is an amazing opportunity…even if you think you have enough knowledge or experience, you will find more!
– Cohort Participant
the craft of coaching
- Weekly meetings via Zoom
- Homework and Journaling: 1.5 hours
- Cohort Meetings: 1.5 hours
- Coaching/Mentoring Individuals: 1 hour
- Coaching a Team: 1 hour
- Facilitating or Training a Team: 1 hour
Average Weekly Time Commitment: 6 hours (some weeks may be more)
Ideally, this will come from at least two individuals that the participant identifies and establishes an explicit coaching relationship (may be peers/colleagues; may not include other cohort participants).
The cohorts are designed to include:
- 14 Cohort group calls, interspersed with Small Group Calls
- 1 week Remote Residential
- Individual coaching and supervision with a certified professional coach
- The bMaps Behavioral Assessment Tool
- Participant materials and access to the cohort learning portal
- The ICAgile Certified Expert in Agile Coaching Certification Fee

Are you ready to lead?
Is your organization ready for change?
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leadership range with TeamCatapult?